Handheld detacher
  • Handheld detacherHandheld detacher
  • Handheld detacherHandheld detacher
  • Handheld detacherHandheld detacher
  • Handheld detacherHandheld detacher
  • Handheld detacherHandheld detacher
  • Handheld detacherHandheld detacher

Handheld detacher

Pondus: 0.32kg
Dimension: 200*120*70mm iter longitudinis: 100cm
Materia: ABS


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depictio producti

1. Ego ntroduction HDetacher andheld

TheHandheld detacherpro durum tag, leve pondus et ad usum facilem. Simpliciter impone tag difficile in cutout et manubrium comprime, paxillus dimittitur et extrahere poterit.

2. Parameter Product (specification) ofHandheld detacher

Product nomen Handheld detacher
Item No. UD-007
Materia ABS
Magna vis /
Product amplitudo 200*120*70 cable longitudo:120cm
color Gray
sarcina X PCs / ctn
Dimension 420*300*270mm
Pondus 5.5kgs

3. Product Feature Et Application deHandheld detacher

HocHandheld detacherleve pondus et portatile, specialiter destinatum ad am super tag removendum.

Hoc diu aedificatum est in funeHandheld detacherpermittit user condere fabrica reachable ac munitum.

4. Product Qualification of *Handheld detacher


5. Libera, Shipping Et ServientesHandheld detacher


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6. FAQ

1) tune es opificem vel mercatorem?
Facimus pariatur.

II) possum aliqua exempla?
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III) Acceptisne Altera / ODM?
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